“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them out of their distresses" (Psalm 107:6 NKJV).
Psalm 107 has some significant repetitions. Of note is v. 6 being repeated in various renderings in vv. 13, 19, and 28. This verse gives us some good instructions on how to pray. Hence we want to note - the way, whom, when, and what of prayer.
Way – “Then they cried.” The word “cried” here is from a Hebrew word meaning to cry out, to call out loud for help, to call to duty. The idea here is that we must be earnest when we pray if we expect to accomplish anything. Yet, it is not always necessary to cry out loud or shout in order to be earnest. However, fervency must be present in prayer if success is to come in praying.
Whom – “They cried unto the Lord.” It is important to note that the Bible never tell us to pray to anyone but the Lord. We have no authorization to pray to angels or saints. Whenever God instructs in prayer, He makes it plain that the ‘Whom’ in prayer is God. Praying to anyone else dishonors God and is a waste of time.
When – “Then . . . in their trouble.” This prayer, uttered in a time of great trouble, reminds us that prayer works in troublous times. Many things work well in good times, but fail us in times of trouble; not so with praying to God. And many times praying is the only thing we can do. The good thing is that we are not handicapped, for prayer is one of the greatest helps in trouble.
What – “He delivered them out of their distress.” And what is the result of prayer? It is deliverance from distress. Prayer is effective help; it gets hold of God, and He is the only One who can help us. Prayer gets God’s attention and God’s action. Do not short change yourself in time of trouble by neglecting prayer. Its benefits are great.
(Adapted from Butler Daily Bible Reading)
Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory)
Quotation of the Week
“Productive prayer requires earnestness, not eloquence!”
Word Study
In 1 Thess. 3:3 we read, “So that no one would be disturbed by these afflictions; for you yourselves know that we have been destined for this!” (NASB).
Disturbed is the word sainō (σαίνω = sah'ee-no). The word means shake, move, agitate, or disturb. Metaphorically, sainō means to curry favor, gladden, and flatter. Figuratively, sainō has the idea of being carried away emotionally by circumstances, be shaken, be disturbed, and be unsettled.
In Classical Greek sainō meant to wag, to move to and fro as dogs wag their tails in friendliness. Sainō does not appear in the Septuagint. In the New Testament, sainō means to be moved or shaken. It pictures one who has become so emotionally disturbed that they are shaken in their beliefs even to point of giving up their beliefs. The word is in the present tense which speaks of being continually disturbed. The idea here is that although trials and afflictions are inevitable, we should be encouraged in light of the sufferings of Christ on our behalf.
Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
Old Testament Prophecy – Messiah will be confronted by adversaries in the garden (Psalm 40:14)
New Testament Fulfillment – John 18:4-6
Did You Know…
Melchizidek, the King of Salem (King of Peace) offered bread and wine to God as worship (Gen. 14:18). The Lord Jesus, the King of Kings, at the Last Supper, offered consecrated bread and consecrated wine to God as worship (Mark 14:22-24).
Bible Quiz
Which chapter of what Book in the Bible is commonly known as the Love Chapter?
**Answer to last week’s trivia: Where did Moses die? On Mount Nebo in Moab (Deut. 32:49).
Everyday Expressions Alluded to in the Bible
"Charity begins at home”
“But if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to show piety at home and to repay their parents; for this is good and acceptable before God” (1 Tim. 5:4 NKJV).
“Charity begins at home” - The expression “charity begins at home” carries the idea of taking care of your family first. In context, children were to provide for their aged and helpless parents or relatives, and not burden the Church. Parents have supported their children and now when the parents are old, it behooves the children to pay back this care by helping their parents in their material needs. Such reciprocity is pleasing to God. If one cannot exercise respect in the home, it will be nothing but hypocrisy when it is shown at church.
Did You Know – Christian History
Wang Ming-Dao was born July 25, 1900 in Beijing, China. He was an independent Chinese Protestant pastor and evangelist imprisoned for his faith by the Chinese government from 1955 until 1980. He has been called the “Dean of the House Churches.”
His early life was one of extreme poverty and repeated illness; but he had an inquiring mind and did well at a London Missionary Society school. Converted to Christianity at fourteen, Wang had hoped to become a great political leader. However, deep spiritual struggles followed until he understood that Christ demanded complete obedience. He gave up his dream to become a politician as well as a secure position at a Christian school when he insisted on being baptized again as an adult believer.
After years in which God trained him, Wang was asked to preach. His messages stressed holy living. He also wrote a newsletter called Spiritual Food Quarterly. So many people came to hear him that he needed a bigger place to speak. Chinese Christians raised funds. The tabernacle that they built in 1937 was simple, even without a cross. No one was baptized without first showing real fruits of salvation. Wang also had an itinerant ministry throughout China, visiting twenty-four of the twenty-eight provinces and taking the pulpit in churches of thirty different denominations.
Wang lived up to his own high standards. Even his worst enemies could find no fault in him except in his utter lack of compromise. During the Japanese occupation, he and his fellow workers refused to join a church cooperative. Further, when the Communists gained power after World War II, they arrested Christian leaders who refused to go along with them. Wang, was arrested on August 7, 1954 after preaching his last sermon at the tabernacle. His wife and eighteen young Christians were also arrested.
Wang believed in the inerrancy of the Bible, the depravity of man, and justification by faith. He criticized shortcomings of both Chinese and missionary churches, emphasizing that Christians should live holy lives. Wang likened himself to the prophet Jeremiah who had attacked social corruption and false prophets. Between 1987 and 1989, Wang’s physical and mental abilities noticeably declined. In July 1991, Wang was diagnosed with blood clots on his brain, and he died on July 28.
A Little Humor
A dad was listening to his little girl say her prayers. “Dear Harold…” “Wait a minute, honey, how come you called God Harold?” The little girl looked up and said, “That’s what they call Him in church. You know the prayer we say, “Our Father, who art in heaven, Harold be Thy name.”
Thought Provoking Church Sign
“Salvation is so simple that people overlook it; so free they do not believe it!”