“And their brethren, heads of their fathers’ houses - one thousand seven hundred and sixty. They were very able men for the work of the service of the house of God” (1 Chron. 9:13 NKJV).
Today’s verse is about the priests who settled in Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s time after the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt. The verse speaks of the service of priests. In particular, it speaks of the power for service, the perspiration in service, and the place of service.
Power for service - “Able men.” The word translated “able” basically means power or strength. It can refer to physical strength, mental strength or even virtuous strength. The priests needed all three to serve the Lord. They needed physical strength to take care of the sacrifices, they needed mental strength to read the laws of God and administer the business of the Temple, and they needed virtuous strength to be qualified to do God’s work. This tells us that serving the Lord is not trivial work for the weak as the world would have us believe. The world likes to picture Christianity as a weak. But they are wrong; if ever strength is required anywhere, it is required for the work of God and for living for God. The godly life requires much strength.
Perspiration in service - “Work of the service.” The service the priests were to perform is described as work. Serving God is not easy. If one is looking for a soft and easy job, it is not to be found in the service of God. The Bible describes living for God as a warfare (Eph. 6:10-18), not as a picnic. If we expect to get anything out of our faith, we must be earnest in pursuit of our faith. The devil is doing all he can to oppose our work, so we must be earnest.
Place of service - “House of God.” In our verse this refers specifically to the Temple constructed in Jerusalem for the worship of God. Today, we build church buildings for the worship of God, and they become a place of service. Too many folk however do not see church as a place of service. They simply come to watch, or they do not come at all. However, all of God’s people need to view the church, the “house of God,” as a place of service and roll up our sleeves and get busy for God.
(Adapted from Butler Daily Bible Reading)
Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory)
Quotation of the Week
“Your life is God’s gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God!”
Word Study
In Col. 4:2 we read, “Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving!” (NASB)
Devote is the Greek word proskartereo (προσκαρτερέω = pros-kar-ter-eh'-o). It is made up of two words: “pros” which implies motion, direction, and “kartereo” which means be strong, steadfast, firm, endure, hold out, bear the burden. The word describes a steadfast single-minded fidelity to a certain course of action.
In Classical Greek, the principal idea behind proskartereo is persist. In the Septuagint the word means to urge. In the New Testament the word carries the idea of persevere with, persist in. Further, proskartereo is in the imperative mood meaning it is a command. It is also in the present tense, calling for continual devotion to prayer.
We all struggle to know the will of God for our lives. Yet, it is clear from this verse that it is God’s will that we pray to Him. So Paul is exhorting the Colossian believers (and us) to pray often and regularly. He is saying that prayer is not to be an infrequent, hit or miss activity. Thus, we must take steps to ensure that prayer with thanksgiving is a central part of our spiritual life, even as are eating and sleeping. We need to set times of quiet communion with God. It is only then that we are prepared to walk with God in continual conversation throughout the day, moment by moment, hour by hour
Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
Old Testament Prophecy – That He would make a triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Zech. 9:9).
New Testament Fulfillment – Matt. 21:4-5
Bible Facts
The First Law of Thermodynamics established (Genesis 2:1-2). The First Law states that the total quantity of energy and matter in the universe is a constant. One form of energy or matter may be converted into another, but the total quantity always remains the same. Therefore the creation is finished, exactly as God said way back in Genesis.
Bible Quiz
What is the mystery that Paul refers to that was “hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints?”
**Answer to last week’s trivia: Jesus demonstrated that He was truly alive after His resurrection by many infallible proofs for how many days before his ascension? 40 days (Acts 1:3).
That’s in the Bible
"Weaker vessel”
“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7 NKJV).
As might be expected, this expression is not particularly popular with the feminist movement today. Though women are a “weaker vessel” compared to men, this does not mean that a woman is somehow less of a person or less important than a man. It simply means that women and men have different roles to fulfill. Further, although woman is classified as the weaker vessel, we all can testify that a woman has certain strengths that can’t be equaled by man. The ironic thing is that she has the ability to make man a weaker vessel and does so on a regular basis.
Did You Know – Christian History
Howell Harris was born at Talgarth in Brecknockshire on January 23, 1714. He was one of the main leaders of the Welsh Methodist revival in the 18th century, along with Daniel Rowland and William Williams Pantycelyn. After his conversion in May 1735, Harris immediately began to tell others about this and to hold meetings in his own home.
Because of his Methodist views, Harris became a travelling preacher and was tireless in his determination to spread the word throughout Wales. His preaching often led him into personal danger, and he endured considerable persecution and hardship before gaining a following. God seemed to be with him. The results were amazing. “He found a nation slumbering; he left it awake,” wrote H. Elvet Lewis.
Preaching five sermons a day, Harris was able reach the entire principality of Wales within just a few years. Thousands who heard him became followers of Christ. Although never ordained, Howell Harris became a founder of Welsh Calvinistic Methodism, and an inspiration to another notable evangelist - George Whitefield. Later he would say, “I can’t reckon anyone safe until he has the indwelling of God in him.”
That he kept his enthusiasm all of his short life is confirmed by the diary he wrote. “I sang and triumphed all the way through the streets to the tower.” Harris wept easily and longed for the work of the Holy Spirit in all men. Later he would say, “I can’t reckon anyone safe until he has the indwelling of God in him.” Harris’ dairy and papers afford access to a first eye witness of the Welsh Methodist revival .
A Little Humor
A three-year-old boy went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother, “There were two boy kittens and two girl kittens.” “How did you know?” his mother asked. “Daddy picked them up and looked underneath,” he replied. “I think it’s printed on the bottom.”
Thought Provoking Church Sign
“What on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake!”